Growing up, discomfort was a feeling that I was accustomed to. I was always uncomfortable that I grew up in a house that wasn’t like other people’s homes. Walking in the front door you would be greeted with pictures of women’s breasts. My mother was an artist who was obsessed with abstract and nude art, and it was how she decorated her home. As I grew older I learned to appreciate my mother’s eye, as well as her way of expressing herself. It also allowed me to appreciate beauty in all of its forms, no matter how uncomfortable it was for me. It represented the freedom to be who you want to, express yourself even if you look different, act different, and decorate differently.
It is difficult to exist in a world where people are constantly telling us what we should and shouldn’t be. Besides, I’m sure that many of us understand the pressures of fitting Into societal beauty standards and feeling that we must be or look a certain way. This sculpture above was carved out of alabaster by my mother. It depicts the very voluptuous figure of a woman. One thing that I have admired about my mother’s work is how she celebrates the softness and sensuality of the woman. She revered the body that she had by placing it in stone. That is such a beautiful and powerful statement, and a reminder that everyone deserves to be adored no matter what shape or size. The takeaway I learned from my mother is to be free but to do it with confidence. To not care what people think and to hold your own. This is the type of woman that I envision wearing my jewelry. One with a set of gold balls and who is unapologetically herself.